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Resisting temptation is HARD!!

I have been waiting for this game for many years scouring the internet for every little tidbit of info I could find. With every new video and every new screenshot the anticipation grew. And now we are almost there, only days left and a few individuals are playing it!

Not only did they manage to get their hands on a copy early but they are streaming every bit of their game play. This of course means others are spreading the leaked footage and talking about every aspect of it.

On the one hand I get it, if I had the opportunity to play the game right now, I would. On the other hand, I would not stream it pre-release. In my opinion, this seems like an ego issue that they have to not only be the first to play but also to stream it all like they need prove to the world that they were the first with no regard to the effects it will have on the game or peoples enjoyment of it.

Over the past few years, my primary pastime has been No Man’s Sky. Watching every video released, taking part in discussions and speculation. Listening to countless opinions and ideas and hopes of what the game would be.

This activity was always safe; it was either something officially released by Hello Games or was pure speculation. Hello Games was always careful to only release what they wanted us to see, just enough to be intriguing without ever spoiling, to the point of great frustration for many people.

Now with the leaked information and footage it is not safe anymore. Every search runs the risk of spoiling something; the only truly safe option is to avoid the internet all together. Even being extremely careful of what I have clicked on, there is some info that cannot be missed, usually in titles and subject lines info is given and much of it is skewed by the motives of the streamer or the one recounting the streams.

One example is the time it took to “complete” the game; this has then been stated as a negative about the game, while the time it took for this person to rush to the center wasn’t much faster than what was stated by Sean Murray in an interview.

I understand that some people really need that goal, that end game. But this game from the beginning is really about the exploration, the journey, so how quickly one can get to the center is irrelevant to me except for the fact that it can contribute to people deciding not to play what they perceive to be a short game.

Another issue presented by one of the streamers was some things “missing” from the game, which again points to the fact that he rushed through without exploring, how can you possibly know what this vast universe holds if you made a journey of just a straight line to the center.

With all of that said though, it is so hard not to look. Knowing that there is all this footage is out there. When I have spent so long absorbing every bit I could find, when its been my primary entertainment for so long.

It is only respect for Hello Games and what they are trying to do and my desire to not ruin Christmas by peeking at the presents that I am able to resist, but damn it’s hard!


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